Prayer: Continued purpose and genuineness in relationships at school.
Hello Freinds and Family,
My my! It is far to early in the morning (ie. 12:30 am) to be writing, but the date is November 3rd and this letter (now blog entry) is overdue.
October came and went so quickly! This text shoud do the same. A few major events:
- I had the honor to usher people to their seats at Melenie Bristow's wedding, a friend from highschool. It seems that most of my high school friends are married off now. (Below, the family are awaiting the wedding feast)
- Ryan, my roomate, and I went camping near Lake Whitney over one weekend. Ryan is so difficult to get out of the house, and I consider his coming a miracle. We enjoyed the relaxing style of "car-camping"... parking your car with all your gear close to the tent (below: Friends are strolling along the brazos river just north of the lake)
- I ran the DO-dash 5k in 20:33 minutes, my knee did not hurt during this exercise and I praise God for its healing (although I believe a little more healing would be nice)!
- My rural medicine class went on a field trip to Eastland, Texas to learn about occupational medicine related to an Iron foundry that made pipe parts and a normal (yet very hazardous) Texas ranch. If you were to enter these workplaces in another situation, the safety hazards may not be so glaring... but when our physician/guide led the group through each part of the industry, I was amazed at how many and dangerous are the situations that people work in every day. (not to mention the danger in driving to work!) It is rare to spend time with my fellow rural students outside of class, so I ate up this chance to continue friendships
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- Party time! After our first Hematology exam, I threw a party to chill out! After inviting the whole class of 150, about 15 people made the short walk over to my apartment. It was time well spent and I'm hoping/praying for deeper relationships with these people.
- Small group seminar: LB and I attended a seminar at my church focused on the role of small groups in church and how they are good ways for people to live life together and with Jesus. I picked up quite a few ideas and am excited about continuing life in my own small group. I may be called to step into leadership for this group, but am uncertain about ability and time... prayer is needed here.
Ok! I'm about to pass out from fatigue,
thank you for keeping up, give me a call if you get a chance: 281-793-9176
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