Monday, December 1, 2008

November's Leaves; colortastik!

Praise: Life is so fun!  And it's because God is bodaciously excellent (spoken in surfer accent).
Prayer: Jesus Birthday party - inviting some friends who need to be loved on

Friends and Family, 

This November has been one of the fullest in my short time on earth!  I'm sure all of us could write about ourselves until either ink or paper were used up, so I'll share just a few of the 

Narrow Gate Experience: near Nashville, TN
Dan Leverenz and I made a daring 4 day journey, through vicous storms that almost blew us off I-40 and through valleys/over hills of God's wonderous hardwoods while they showed off their colorful sides, all the way to the hills south of Nashville to visit a friend from our small 
group, Alex Eagle, who had joined a discipleship training school.
  The school was part of a wilderness ministry, called Narrow Gate, that young men could enter to find direction and Jesus in life.   WOW!   My words will really not give the 6 month program and beautiful encampment justice.   Not only were the young men in the program being changed, but my short visit impacted me greatly.  I would recomend it to anyone with the slightest desire to
fall in love with and experience Jesus.  

Besides wondering about in the Tennessee hills, we played a lot of sweet music (I even had the privalage to play my harmonica with Alex while he led Junior High worship at a church!) 

One sweet lesson learned here, from a pastor's words in Franklin,
 has stuck with me; "Do not fear".  Let's just say that I am often timid about living life as  I believe I should because of fear about supposed consequences, but these simple words and scripture passage from Revelation 2:8-11 have encouraged me.  I am still putting this into effect, and would love your prayers over a Christmas party my small group is having Dec. 12th.  We want it to be a time to celebrate who Jesus is, and also to 
share Him with others.

East Lancaster: a homeless endeavor

Two clubs at school coordinated a hygienic education and supply handout at the homeless hangout locale near downtown.  It was actually a friend's idea, but I had the pleasure of putting it together.   What a joy to bring my fellow med students and the homeless together!  The experience blessed both groups and was way fun, although we all had ice-sickles for feet afterwards.

Sheffield England: good bye to a friend
Our small group sent off a friend and a former co-leader to a church 
in England where she will work as children's minister.  A sad event, yet joyful because it has been
 a calling she had longed to fulfill.  For this special occasion I decided to dust off the crochete skills and mold a beanie to wrap her head in warmth and memories of Fort Worth.  

Hematology and Cranial Manipulation: medical business
Yes!  I am still studying for all you who thought that I had quit school in lue of all the sweet happenings of November.  Hematology (the study of blood) was an interesting course with a lot of diagnostic aspects.... after takes a blood sample or bone biopsy or other physical evaluation, one can analyse the data from laboratory tests and the patient's story, then come up with a diagnosis.  One of the craziest classes we have taken in medical school so fare is Cranial.  This is because it is all about feeling how the skull moves and then manipulating it to correct any problems.  We were all thinking, "does the skull have any movement?"  However, the "crazy" became a little less so after our Osteopathic faculty showed us the research behind the the art.  Few if any of us have acquired a proficient ability with this aspect of Osteopathy, but it certainly is interested and I would like to, especially because of its potential to help young kids.  

Thanksgiving: the drive to Houston
Lydia, a friend from small group, and I carpooled down to Houston for Thanksgiving.  The whole way we sang gospel songs and danced with Kirk Franklin... apparently a giant in that scene.   
Good times!  

OK peeps, I'm off to la la land.  


Sunday, November 2, 2008


Praise: My knee is feeling better!
Prayer: Continued purpose and genuineness in relationships at school.

Hello Freinds and Family,
My my!  It is far to early in the morning (ie. 12:30 am) to be writing, but the date is November 3rd and this letter (now blog entry) is overdue.  

October came and went so quickly!  This text shoud do the same.  A few major events: 
  • I had the honor to usher people to their seats at Melenie Bristow's wedding, a friend from highschool.  It seems that most of my high school friends are married off now.  (Below, the family are awaiting the wedding feast)
  • Ryan, my roomate, and I went camping near Lake Whitney over one weekend.  Ryan is so difficult to get out of the house, and I consider his coming a miracle.  We enjoyed the relaxing style of "car-camping"... parking your car with all your gear close to the tent (below: Friends are strolling along the brazos river just north of the lake)
  • I ran the DO-dash 5k in 20:33 minutes, my knee did not hurt during this exercise and I praise God for its healing (although I believe a little more healing would be nice)!
  • My rural medicine class went on a field trip to Eastland, Texas to learn about occupational medicine related to an Iron foundry that made pipe parts and a normal (yet very hazardous) Texas ranch.  If you were to enter these workplaces in another situation, the safety hazards may not be so glaring... but when our physician/guide led the group through each part of the industry, I was amazed at how many and dangerous are the situations that people work in every day.  (not to mention the danger in driving to work!)  It is rare to spend time with my fellow rural students outside of class, so I ate up this chance to continue friendships
  • .
  • Party time!  After our first Hematology exam, I threw a party to chill out!  After inviting the whole class of 150, about 15 people made the short walk over to my apartment.  It was time well spent and I'm hoping/praying for deeper relationships with these people.
  • Small group seminar: LB and I attended a seminar at my church focused on the role of small groups in church and how they are good ways for people to live life together and with Jesus.  I picked up quite a few ideas and am excited about continuing life in my own small group.  I may be called to step into leadership for this group, but am uncertain about ability and time... prayer is needed here.
Ok!  I'm about to pass out from fatigue,
thank you for keeping up, give me a call if you get a chance: 281-793-9176


Friday, October 17, 2008

From Word doc. to internet blogger

"Oh the times, they are a-changing!"

The 1960's lyrics of Bob Dylan ring true with this young man.  No more Word documents... and becoming a blogger is not too awful, really.