My bushy snowman friend. with stinky armpits :)... Fort Worth Snowmageden 8"
Hello Friends,
Skip forward six weeks from my rodeo in
As for new terminology and definitions, I learned a few news ones this time around. They come in pair:
"Baby Momma" Definition = 1. the mother of a man's child when the parents are not married 2. The mother of one's child. The connotation is that mother and father do not and never did have any relationship beyond being sex partners. Contrast: ex-wife, ex-girlfriend.
"Baby Daddy" Definition = 1. A male that fathers a child but is no longer involved with the mother of the child/children,and more than likely not supporting the childern.
I know this learning experience is way behind the times, but I included it just in case you ever come across it, so you don't have to ask naive questions like me. Next follows this entry's title explanation:
One Friday morning I was breakfasting in the Physicians' Lounge when a Doc in scrubs sat down next to me. I asked him how his morning was going and he shared about his pregnant patient in the labor and delivery department. I punted a few questions about the stages of labor to hone my knowledge, then off he went...... The next thing I know, my phone is ringing. Picking it up, I am surprised that it is this same doctor asking if I had ever delivered a baby. I said "no" because all my physician's patients were privately insured and expected the Doc to deliver. However, the "drop in" this morning had either MEDICAID or nada. I raced upstairs, ripped my office casual off and threw on any random scrub top and bottom laying about. Upon bursting into the labor room, for I was more excited than a stray dog in Petsmart, the nurse and doc laughed at my hot pink pants with tucked in baby blue top. But that didn't bother me, I was going to be a baby doctor today!
This wasn't my first rodeo, at least as spectator, so I basically knew what to do. I washed my hands, carefully yet hurriedly slipped on my sterile gown, booties and gloves, then stepped up onto the batter’s deck. The doc was at bat on home plate. He motioned me to switch to catcher’s position. The woman on the table wound up, leaned back and pushed, pushed….. pushed again. She was a young Hispanic girl. I assumed the young man holding her hand to be her husband or boyfriend because a baby daddy would have forfeited this match. His smooth, clean face made him appear less than 20 years of age. We stretched the muscles around the pitching lane, hoping the missile would soar through without mishap --- Suddenly a head of hair came flying into my unexpected glove! The doc yelled with umpire force, “Strike three, he’s out of here!” We suctioned mucus from facial oraphices, clamped and clipped the cord, and threw the wailing baby back to the pitcher who was flashing a large smile. The rest of this story is history and probably too graphic for public leisure.
And so I became a baby doctor, as opposed to baby daddy.
“Baby Doctor” Definition = 1. a medical student who shows up out of no where, delivers your baby, and disappears into the framework of US medical education.
Dr. Thompson's Mardis Gras umbrella. Patricia the wife/Doc/Fran the nurse
This rotation has been great for more reasons than delivering a baby. My attending physician was born, raised and medically trained in
So I end this rotation with a smile and many good memories. All the patient interaction, all the anatomically interesting surgery, fun conversations with the locals and 6 weeks of life in
Grandfather at The Nook/my poison ivy wounds from helping dad demolish bushes/Dad in a chainsaw massacre frenzy
My surgery attending, Dr. Morrison, made a delicious meal when I visited him :) in Crockett